Stanford GSB Give Now

Double Your Change Match

What are the rules of the match?

Any gift or pledge payment to Stanford GSB from a recent graduate (MBA social class year 2017-2013) will be matched up to $500, through August 31, 2018 or until the $50,000 total match is completed.

What if I give more than $500?

$500 of your donation will be matched.

Why should I give during the match?

Your donation will be doubled (match rules apply) and you will maximize the change your contribution will create!

It's my reunion year. Will my contribution count toward my reunion campaign?

Yes, your gift or pledge payment in honor of your reunion will be matched and counted toward the campaign (match rules apply), however, the matching amount will not be included in reunion campaign totals.

I would like to make a new pledge. Will it be matched?

Although new pledges will not be matched, pledge payments toward a new or existing pledge will be matched! The pledge payment only will be counted toward the pledge total, not the matching amount (match rules apply).

How does the match affect my taxes?

The additional matching portion of your gift is not tax deductible. For tax purposes, the match is considered a gift from the Atwell Estate.

Will the match be counted toward my pledge total or be recorded in my giving history?

Only your initial donation will count toward your pledge total and/or be reflected in your giving history.

The school's endowment is significant. Why does the GSB need my support?

Stanford GSB's endowment is large, but it only covers about 33 percent of the GSB's annual budget. Flexible, unrestricted funds that you give today help fill the gap between endowment payout and operational expenses that are essential to the school.

How do I give?

The best way to ensure that your contribution is matched is by giving online through the Secure Your Match button at the top right of page.

Why does the GSB need MY support? Philanthropic gifts to the GSB from alumni and friends make up 50 percent of the school's operating budget. Remember the 50/50 model? Student tuition covers only half of the real cost of a GSB education, and the other half is subsidized by gifts from alumni and friends!

Why should I choose to give TO the GSB? We're a pioneer in management education and global in our mission. We're one of the few institutions in the world with the depth and breadth to address complex, global problems. Big ideas require support and commitments of all sizes.

Why should I give NOW? Today you can double the change your nonprofit donation creates. This is a unique opportunity to amplify your impact.

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